Ancient Aliens Season 4 (2012)

Ancient Aliens (season 4) premiered last night and I was somewhat disappointed. The History channel kicked off their fourth season of Ancient Aliens with a double episode discussing Doomsday Prophesies and the Mayans. I get it – 2012 – end of the world – the apocalypse, etc – we are counting the days. However, the audience that has stuck with this show for four seasons has been forward and backwards on these topics. Of course, I’m tuning in for the whole season but I am hoping we can a venture a little deeper down the rabbit hole.

One last thing, it is getting annoying how the word apocalypse is used to make people think of chaos and destruction. The true meaning of “apocalypse” is lifting of the veil or revelation. We need to find out for ourselves what it is that needs to be revealed in 2012.